Class GuiStorageElement


public class GuiStorageElement extends GuiElement
This element is used to access an Inventory. The slots in the inventory are selected by searching through the whole gui the element is in and getting the number of the spot in the character group that this element is in.
E.g. if you have five characters called "s" in the gui setup and the second element is accessed by the player then it will translate to the second slot in the inventory.
  • Constructor Details

    • GuiStorageElement

      public GuiStorageElement(char slotChar, org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory storage)
      An element used to access an Inventory.
      slotChar - The character to replace in the gui setup string.
      storage - The Inventory that this element is linked to.
    • GuiStorageElement

      public GuiStorageElement(char slotChar, org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory storage, int invSlot)
      An element used to access a specific slot in an Inventory.
      slotChar - The character to replace in the gui setup string.
      storage - The Inventory that this element is linked to.
      invSlot - The index of the slot to access in the Inventory.
    • GuiStorageElement

      public GuiStorageElement(char slotChar, org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory storage, int invSlot, Runnable applyStorage, Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> placeValidator)
      An element used to access a specific slot in an Inventory.
      slotChar - The character to replace in the gui setup string.
      storage - The Inventory that this element is linked to.
      invSlot - The index of the slot to access in the Inventory.
      applyStorage - Apply the storage that this element represents.
      placeValidator - Should return false for items that should not work in that slot Can be null if the storage is directly linked.
    • GuiStorageElement

      public GuiStorageElement(char slotChar, org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory storage, int invSlot, Runnable applyStorage, Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> placeValidator, Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> takeValidator)
      An element used to access a specific slot in an Inventory.
      slotChar - The character to replace in the gui setup string.
      storage - The Inventory that this element is linked to.
      invSlot - The index of the slot to access in the Inventory.
      applyStorage - Apply the storage that this element represents.
      placeValidator - Should return false for items that should not be placeable in that slot Can be null if the storage is directly linked.
      takeValidator - Should return false for items that should not be takeable in that slot Can be null if the storage is directly linked.
  • Method Details

    • getItem

      public org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack getItem(org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity who, int slot)
      Description copied from class: GuiElement
      Get the item that is displayed by this element on a certain page
      Specified by:
      getItem in class GuiElement
      who - The player who views the page
      slot - The slot to get the item for
      The ItemStack that is displayed as this element
    • getStorage

      public org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory getStorage()
      Get the Inventory that this element is linked to.
      The Inventory that this element is linked to.
    • getStorageItem

      @Deprecated public org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack getStorageItem(int slot)
      Get the item in the storage that corresponds to the InventoryGui slot
      slot - The slot in the GUI
      The ItemStack or null if the slot is outside of the item's size
    • getStorageItem

      public org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack getStorageItem(org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity player, int slot)
      Get the item in the storage that corresponds to the InventoryGui slot
      player - The player which is using the GUI view
      slot - The slot in the GUI
      The ItemStack or null if the slot is outside of the item's size
    • setStorageItem

      @Deprecated public boolean setStorageItem(int slot, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
      Set the item in the storage that corresponds to the InventoryGui slot.
      slot - The slot in the GUI
      item - The ItemStack to set
      true if the item was set; false if the slot was outside of this storage
    • setStorageItem

      public boolean setStorageItem(org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity player, int slot, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
      Set the item in the storage that corresponds to the InventoryGui slot.
      player - The player using the GUI view
      slot - The slot in the GUI
      item - The ItemStack to set
      true if the item was set; false if the slot was outside of this storage
    • getApplyStorage

      public Runnable getApplyStorage()
      Get the runnable that applies the storage
      The storage applying runnable; might be null
    • setApplyStorage

      public void setApplyStorage(Runnable applyStorage)
      Set what should be done to apply the storage. Not necessary if the storage is directly backed by a real inventory.
      applyStorage - How to apply the storage; can be null if nothing should be done
    • getItemValidator

      Get the item place validator
      The item place validator
    • getPlaceValidator

      public Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> getPlaceValidator()
      Get the item place validator
      The item validator
    • getTakeValidator

      public Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> getTakeValidator()
      Get the item take validator
      The item take validator
    • setItemValidator

      @Deprecated public void setItemValidator(Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> placeValidator)
      Set a function that can validate whether an item can be placed in the slot
      placeValidator - The item validator that takes a GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo and returns true for items that should and false for items that should not be placeable in that slot
    • setPlaceValidator

      public void setPlaceValidator(Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> placeValidator)
      Set a function that can validate whether an item can be placed in the slot
      placeValidator - The item validator that takes a GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo and returns true for items that should and false for items that should not be placeable in that slot
    • setTakeValidator

      public void setTakeValidator(Function<GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo,Boolean> takeValidator)
      Set a function that can validate whether an item can be taken from the slot
      takeValidator - The item validator that takes a GuiStorageElement.ValidatorInfo and returns true for items that should and false for items that should not be taken in that slot
    • validateItem

      @Deprecated public boolean validateItem(int slot, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
      Validate whether an item can be placed in a slot with the item validator set in setItemValidator(Function)
      slot - The slot the item should be tested for
      item - The item to test
      true for items that should and false for items that should not work in that slot
    • validateItemPlace

      public boolean validateItemPlace(int slot, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
      Validate whether an item can be placed in a slot with the item validator set in setItemValidator(Function)
      slot - The slot the item should be tested for
      item - The item to test
      true for items that should and false for items that should not work in that slot
    • validateItemTake

      public boolean validateItemTake(int slot, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
      Validate whether an item can be taken from a slot with the item validator set in setItemValidator(Function)
      slot - The slot the item should be tested for
      item - The item to test
      true for items that should and false for items that should not be taken from that slot